Dear Stakeholders Kitambo Mixed Sec School.Greetings.Following the Full BOM meeting held on 16th September 2022, the BOM resolved that a committee be formed and chart the way forward for the construction of a model Super classroom to mark the celebration of Kitambo@20 this year,2022. The Committee met on Friday 16th September 2022, headed by Canon James Okoyo HSC, POYA. The Committee resolved the following:
- The date of celebrations adopted as Saturday 26th November 2022 at 10.00 am.
2. The Committee was expanded to include:
Canon James Okoyo-Chairman
Mr.Michael Omollo-Secretary.
Mr.Peter Opon-Member.
Mrs Felistus Muoki-Member.
Mr. Elly Randiga-Member.
Mr.Austin Tuju-Member.
Md.Emma Otieno-MP Representative.
Rev.Kennedy Owuor-Sponsor.
Mr.Joseph Anguk-PA Representative.
Mr.George Muga-D/Principal.
Mr Dan Waga-A/C Department.
Mr.Joel Ogol-Tr Representative.
03. The Committee was tasked to meet every Friday in the school compound at 3.00 pm until D-day.
04. The Principal was tasked to call Public Works
One reply on “Full BOM meeting held on 16th September 2022”
wow wonderful .THANKS!